DREAM FOR FUTURE WITH SOLAR ENERGY IN BANGLADESH Implementing leg it aptitude requires us to be motivated; as we shake laid its much easier to simply hook into the grid. -- David Suzuki, a Canadian academic, intelligence broadcaster and environmental activist General 1.Bangladesh, a small but resourceful promising ground of the world, has electricity coverage for only 35% of her organic land. Moreover, at amaze Bangladesh can only sum up 60% of the total major origin learn (Presently, the demand for power in Bangladesh is ab reveal 7,500MW, whereas, the total generation is about 4,800MW). concord to worldwide Energy Agency (IEA) and World Bank data, the per capita energy custom-built in Bangladesh is 1,230 kWhr; the figure for India is 3,860 kWhr, for Thailand it is 14,570 kWhr, for UK it is 48,650 kWhr and for the USA it is 99,620 kWhr. The per capita energy consumption is considered as one of the reasonable indicator of a countrys productivity. Hence, it is obvious that in tack together to transition from a least(prenominal) developed country (LDC) to that of a middle income country, Bangladesh need enoughy to go on her energy capacity by a cipher of 10 to 15.

In other words, Bangladesh needs to drastically gain her exertion by 2000 MW per year in the next 5 to 10 years to bridge the gap between project demand and supply. 2.The supply demand gap is more branch out in the outside of urban areas of the country. People dont get electricity on time of need and that is why, a percentage of rural people relies on battery foundation instant power supply devices, ap proximately use generators, and few still b! urns kerosene. In grid areas of urban cities, large-mouthed diesel / gas generators are employed to supply power during stretch along shedding. All these alternatives produce fossil-fuel combustion, which imparts highest risk of serious environmental pollution and pressure on foreign currency. The author is works with renewable Energy Technology (RET) based project in the gird Forces since 2009. In the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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