Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Electronic And Information Technology Addiction - 969 Words
â€Å"The term electronic and information technology includes, but is not limited to, telecommunications products (such as telephones), information kiosks and transaction machines, World Wide Web sites, multimedia, and office equipment such as copiers and fax machines†(Disabilities, Opportunities, Internet working, and Technology). Online technology addiction started soon after technology came out; it is only new being readjusted as culture is changing. Addiction is a need based bonding process when one becomes connected to an object (Hari). This, therefore, has been a fairly recent type of addiction, around for approximately twenty-two years. There have been increases by tenfold from the start of technology addict to 2014 (Number of Internet Users). The amount of people that are living with internet technology addiction are rapidly increasing everyday as new technology keeps progressively coming out. There is only so much people can handle before they become addicted to a pr oduct. Technology since then has significantly progressed by coming up with more items to add to products that are solely made for technology. An example of technology addiction is in a Huffington Post article title â€Å"Technology -- Our Untreated Addiction†by Zane Rubin that discusses the three types of destruction done to one’s self-esteem through the use of social media. The first type of self-esteem destruction is, ’Why doesn t anybody care?’ complex (Rubin). This feeling of no one caring is caused byShow MoreRelatedEssay about Electronic and Digital Technology1115 Words  | 5 PagesLooking back 15 years ago to the electronic and digital technology we had then compared to what we have now is incredible to see first hand. Society knew this new technology would come but never thought it would be here this immediate to where everyone and their grandmother’s posse some form of it. It is deranged that a great deal of individuals hate this new age where technology is ubiquitous and taking over. 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